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Communication System

The communication system, abbreviated comsys, provides shared communication channels for players on a game. Communication systems are available in PennMUSH, TinyMUSH, and TinyMUX.

A comsys allows the various players to communicate with each other. A comsys can consist of one Public channel for all players, or various channels set aside for various groups within the game, thus allowing each group to communicate with the other members of that group.

Two of the most accepted reasons for using a comsys are to allow players to interact with members of their group, and to provide a venue for OOC chatting. Many games are configured to have a new player automatically join the 'Public' channel, and a Guest join the 'Guest' channel. If you are a wizard, see 'wizhelp config' for the parameters relating to this.

TinyMUX Communication System

User Command Summary

Players can use @clist to view a list of available channels on the game. Utilizing addcom, an alias can be set to join that channel and used for communicating on the channel. Channel names and aliases are case-sensitive within the TinyMUX communication system. The delcom command is used to unsubscribe from a channel. Players may use comtitle to prefix a title to their name for a particular channel. The allcom command can be used to quickly make a change to all subscribed channels. Players may use clearcom to unsubscribe from all current channels.

Once a channel alias has been established, it can be used to turn the channel on or off as well as communication.

Administrative Commands

Wizards can create and destroy communication channels using @ccreate and @cdestroy, respectively. Channel behavior and control can be manipulated with channel objects and @cset or through the @cpflags command for players and @coflags command for things.

Wizards or channel owners can assign a cost for using the channel with the @ccharge command. They may also remove objects from a channel with @cboot or issue messages via @cemit. A list of current channel subscribers is available through @cwho. Channel owners can be changed using the @cchown command.

The public_channel and guests_channel config parameters can be used to set default channels.

Softcode Functions

The following functions are available for softcode integration: channels(), comalias(), comtitle(), cwho()


> addcom public=Public

Channel Public added with alias public.

> pub off

[Public] Foobar has left this channel.

> pub on

You have joined channel Public.

[Public] Foobar has joined this channel.

> pub who

-- Players --



-- Objects --

-- Public --

> pub Hello world!

[Public] Foobar says, "Hello world!"

> pub last 10

-- Begin Comsys Recall --

[Public] Foobar has joined this channel.

[Public] Foobar has left this channel.

[Public] Foobar has joined this channel.

[Public] Foobar says, "Hello world!"

-- End Comsys Recall --

PennMUSH Communication System

User Command Summary

Players can use @channel/list to view a list of available channels on the game, and @channel/what <channel> to get a description of a channel. Utilizing @channel/on <channel>, a player can join a channel, and can speak on the channel with @chat <channel>=<message> (or its abbreviation +<channel> <message>) and emit to the channel with @cemit. Channel names are not case-sensitive. The @channel/off <channel> command is used to unsubscribe from a channel. Players may use @channel/title <channel>=<title> to prefix a title to their name for a particular channel, @channel/hide <channel>=<yes|no> to hide their presence on a channel that allows that, and @channel/who <channel> to see who else is on a channel. Other user commands include @channel/mute (quiet connection/disconnection messages on a channel), @channel/gag (temporarily stop hearing a channel), and @channel/recall (recall past messages on the channel).

Administrative Commands

Wizards can create and destroy communication channels using @channel/add and @channel/delete, respectively. Mortals may also be permitted to create channels. Channel behavior and control can be manipulated with @channel/priv and @clock.

Wizards or channel owners may remove objects from a channel with @channel/off or issue messages via @cemit. Channel owners can be changed using the @channel/chown command.

Softcode Functions

The following functions are available for softcode integration: cbuffer(), cdesc(), cemit(), cflags(), channels(), clflags(), clock(), cmsgs(), cowner(), cstatus(), ctitle(), cusers(), cwho()


> @channel/on public

CHAT: You join channel <Public>.

<Public> Javelin has joined this channel.

> @channel/off public

CHAT: You leave channel <Public>.

> @channel/who public

Members of channel <Public> are:

Ambrosia, Ashen-Shugar, Balerion, Brazil, Cheetah, Chili, Elmer, Eric, grapenut, Ian, Jaren, Javelin, Kevin (gagging), KrioDragon, Licenser, Luke, milk, Mind, Molikai, moniker, Morin, nails, Nhoj, Noltar (hidden,gagging), Nymeria, Parker, Phreq, scoob, Sholevi, Sigc (gagging), Sketch, 46664, Tanaku, Time, Tyr, Vadiv, Viila, Walker, Zebranky (hidden), Zenty

> +pub Hello world!

<Public> Javelin says, "Hello world!"

> @chan/recall public=10

CHAT: Recall from channel <Public>

[Sun Dec 04 14:37:29 2005] <Public> Darth Tyr raises Vadiv's hand.

[Sun Dec 04 14:38:24 2005] <Public> dead Luke says, "Once you've seen Derren Brown, you know psychic powers are nonsense."

[Sun Dec 04 14:40:29 2005] <Public> dead Luke uses his psychic powers... "My spirit guardian is telling me you aren't a child molester. Am I right?"

[Sun Dec 04 14:40:58 2005] <Public> Undead Vadiv says, "Your spiri guardian is not telling you that."

[Sun Dec 04 14:41:17 2005] <Public> dead Luke says, "My spirit guardian told me you'd say that."

[Sun Dec 04 14:41:51 2005] <Public> Undead Vadiv says, "Then why did it bother?"

[Sun Dec 04 14:42:36 2005] <Public> Stoko has disconnected.

[Sun Dec 04 14:50:41 2005] <Public> Trinsec has disconnected.

[Sun Dec 04 14:52:57 2005] <Public> Javelin has left this channel.

[Sun Dec 04 14:52:59 2005] <Public> Javelin has joined this channel.

CHAT: End recall