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Revision as of 20:12, 15 March 2006 by Nhoj (talk | contribs)
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@cset modifies the behavior of a comsys channel.


COMMAND: @cset/<option> <channel>[=<value>]

Changes the way a channel behaves. <option> can be one of the following:

   public  - channel is listed in everyone's @clist.
   private - channel is hidden from the @clist.
   loud    - channel announces player connects/disconnects.
   mute    - shuts connects/disconnects off.
   quiet   - same as mute.
   spoof   - allows the comtitle to replace the player's name.
   anon    - same as spoof.
   nospoof - channel will append the player's name to the comtitle.
   header  - Changes the prefix text used to announce a channel emit to
             <value>. <value> may contain color.
   object  - Sets the channel object to <value>. You must create an object
             before associating a channel with it.
   header  - Changes the prefix text used to announce a channel emit to
             <value>. <value> may contain color.
   object  - Sets the channel object to <value>. You must create an object
             before associating a channel with it.
   log     - Sets the maximum number of channel messages to log.
             The channel must have a channel object.

You can set a description for the channel by changing the description of the channel object. Also, the channel object's lock will be used to check to see if people should be able to join the channel or not.


   > @cset/public Public
   @cset: Channel Public placed on the public listings.
   > @cset/object Public=#5
   Channel Public is now using Garou Channel Object(#5) as channel object.

Related Topics: comsys, channel object, @ccreate, @create