FUNCTION: room(object)
Returns the dbref of the room that <object> is in, or would be in if it executed LEAVE commands until it got to a room. You can find out the containing room of objects you own, nearby objects, and findable players.
> i You are carrying: hat(#368) cat(#325) > look Mortal's Room(#367R) A bare room with nothing in it but a bed and a chair. > say I am in [room(me)], the cat is in room [room(cat)]. You say "I am in #367, the cat is in room #367." > @fo hat=get cat cat has left. > say The cat is in [loc(#325)] within room [room(#325)]. You say "The cat is in #368 within room #367."
Related Topics: loc(), rloc(), where(), locate(), UNFINDABLE.