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 FUNCTION: stats([<player>])
 This function returns information about the number of objects on the MUX,
 much like the @stats command.  If the argument is omitted or is 'all', then
 the stats for the entire MUX are returned, otherwise the stats for the
 named player are returned.  You can only get stats for yourself.
 The stats are returned as a set of 6 numbers, in the same order as reported
 by the @stats command: total objects, rooms, exits, things, players, and
 garbage.  This command costs as much as the equivalent @stats command (ie:
 '@stats/all' or '@stats <player>', not the free '@stats').
   > @stats me
   6 objects = 0 rooms, 0 exits, 5 things, 1 players. (0 garbage)
   > say stats(me)
   You say, "6 0 0 5 1 0"
   > say stats()
   You say, "377 51 165 134 20 7"
   > @stats/all
   377 objects = 51 rooms, 165 exits, 134 things, 20 players. (7 garbage)
 Related Topics: @stats.