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Testing Your Backup on Windows

Download TinyMUX binaries. Unzip them into a directory you can use to run the game. For example, you can unzip them into c:\. This will create the c:\mux2.4 directory.

Inside of the newly created directory there there will be a game\ directory. IE, c:\mux2.4\game. To test or restore your backup, copy the backup file into the game directory. Once copied, you can unzip it in place and it will place the flatfile, the mail.db, the comsys.db, and other related files in the correct locations.

Open a cmd window. In Windows, go Start, then Run, then type 'cmd'. Next do 'cd c:\mux2.4\game\data\', or whatever is appropriate for the location you installed the TinyMUX server to. If you type 'dir' you should see a <gamename>.FLAT file, which is the flatfile for your game. NOTE: Make sure to review the GAMENAME information so you understand what is meant by the term gamename.

If its there, type 'db_load.bat <gamename> <gamename>.FLAT <gamename>.db'.

If the backup is from another Windows system, then the muxconfig.vbs and <gamename>.conf files should be fine. You can start the game by doing 'cd c:\mux2.4\game' and then 'cscript startmux.wsf'. The game will start on the normal port.

If you are using a backup from a UNIX or Linux system, then you will need to edit the muxconfig.vbs file. This replaces the mux.config file used on a Linux or UNIX system. Open the muxconfig.vbs file in a text editor like notepad, and change the gamename setting and the owner setting. Again, read GAMENAME to understand what you are changing. Once done, you can start the game by doing 'cd c:\mux2.4\game' and then 'cscript startmux.wsf'. The game will start on the normal port.