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FUNCTION: accent(<string>,<template>)

The accent() function will return <string>, with characters in it possibly changed to accented ones according to <template>. Both arguments must be the same number of characters.

Whether or not the resulting string is actually displayed correctly is client-dependent.

For each character in <string>, the corresponding character of <template> is checked according to the table below, and a replacement done. If either the current <string> or <template> characters aren't in the table, the <string> character is passed through unchanged.

 Accent                            Template   String
 Name          Description         Character  Character
 double acute  Two foward slants   "          O,U,o,u
 acute         Forward slant       '          A,C,E,I,L,N,O,R,S,T,U,Y,Z,a,c,
               above letter                   e,i,l,n,o,r,s,u,y,z
 cedilla       Small tail below    ,          A,C,E,G,I,K,L,N,R,S,T,U,a,c,e,
               letter                         g,i,k,l,n,r,s,t,u
 macron        dash above letter   -          A,D,E,I,O,U,a,e,i,o,u
 dot           dot above letter    .          C,E,G,I,Z,c,e,g,i,z
 stroke        diagonal or         /          D,H,L,O,d,h,l,o
               horizonal through
 umlaut        Two dots above      :          A,E,I,O,U,Ya,e,i,o,u,y
 diaeresis     letter
 circumflex    carat above         ^          A,C,E,G,H,I,J,O,S,U,W,Y,a,c,e,
               letter                         g,h,i,j,o,s,u,w,y
 grave         Backward slant      `          A,E,I,O,U,a,e,i,o,u
               above letter
 ring          Small circle above  o          A,U,a,u
 breve         rounded half-circle u          A,E,G,I,O,U,a,e,g,i,o,u
               above letter
 caron         inverted circumflex v          C,D,E,L,N,R,S,T,Z,c,e,l,n,r,t,z
 tilde         Wavy line above     ~          A,I,N,O,U,a,i,n,o,u

These are non-accent special characters, mostly punctuation and non-roman letters.

                     Template   String
 Description         Character  Character
 Upside-down ?       u          ?
 Upside-down !       u          !
 << quote mark       "          <
 >> quote mark       "          >
 German sharp s      B          s
 Capital thorn       |          P
 Lower-case thorn    |          p
 Capital eth         -          D
 Lower-case eth      &          o
 Eng or engma        G          N
 Eng or engma        g          n
 Kra                 q          K

These are ligatures.

                     Template   String
 Description         Character  Character
 Ligature AE         E          A
 Ligature IJ         J          I
 Ligature OE         E          O
 Ligature ae         e          a
 Ligature ij         j          i
 Ligature oe         e          o


  > think accent(Aule, ---:)
   > think accent(The Nina was a ship, The Ni~a was a ship)
   The Niña was a ship
   > think accent(Khazad ai-menu!, Khaz^d ai-m^nu!)
   Khazâd ai-mênŭ!

Related Topics

Softcode functions, chr(), ord(), stripaccents()