A version of TinyMUSH 1 originally by Nils McCarthy cleaned up alot of broken stuff for release with a Class/Level/Power based security system. Later on another team picked up TinyMUSE and got permission to release TinyMUSE '97 with even more bug fixes, however the TinyMUSE line eventually died off for PennMUSH/TinyMUSH/TinyMUX servers people have grown use to as being more stable.
Key Developers Before TinyMUSE '97
Nils McCarthy (shkoo)
David Albert
Developers of TinyMUSE '97
Ben Kotcher
Peter Young
Ken Moellman
Miia Kunnas
Although this website hasn't changed for over 6 years, it still exists. The torch of TinyMUSE was handed down to some developers who have fought many times over the year & thus the development cycle has died.
Nils McCarthy's website with the last TinyMUSE he distributed is located at http://www.shkoo.com/nils/useful/