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Revision as of 18:55, 28 July 2006 by Nhoj (talk | contribs)
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Pueblo is an attempt (i.e., hack) to pass richer information along with the client which can in turn do a somewhat better job of displaying it. Pueblo does this with the addition of a few tags, and some of these tags point at external content (vrml, etc.). The extra content comes from a separate web server, and it is up to the client to do the best it can with the extra information.

@VRML_URL is the URL of a VRML scene for a particular room.
@HTDesc is an alternate description for players who are logged in using Pueblo.
@pemit/html and @emit/html allow outputting unescaped HTML strings.

Related Topics: Please see http://pueblo.sourceforge.net/pueblo/index.php for more details.