List of commands

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Command List

drop enter examine get give goto help +help INFO inventory kill leave LOGOUT look move news OUTPUTPREFIX OUTPUTSUFFIX page pose QUIT read report say score SESSION take think throw train use version whisper WHO " : ; & # \\

@@ @backup @break @cemit @chown @chownall @chzone @clone @cpattr @create @decompile @destroy @dig @doing @dolist @drain @edit @emit @entrances @femit @find @force @fpose @fsay @halt @if @last @link @list @listmotd @lock @mail @mvattr @name @nemit @notify @npemit @oemit @open @parent @password @pemit @power @program @ps @quitprogram @quota @remit @robot @search @set @stats @sweep @switch @teleport @timecheck @trigger @unlink @unlock @verb @wait @wipe

@-Related Commands

@aahear @aclone @aconnect @adescribe @adfail @adisconnect @adrop @aefail @aenter @afail @agfail @ahear @akill @aleave @alfail @alias @amail @amhear @amove @apay @arfail @asuccess @atfail @atofail @atport @aufail @ause @away @charges @conformat @cost @daily @descformat @describe @dfail @drop @ealias @efail @enter @exitformat @exitto @fail @filter @forwardlist @gfail @idesc @idle @idletimeout @infilter @inprefix @kill @lalias @leave @lfail @listen @mailsucc @mfail @moniker @move @nameformat @odescribe @odfail @odrop @oefail @oenter @ofail @ogfail @okill @oleave @olfail @omove @opay @orfail @osuccess @otfail @otofail @otport @oufail @ouse @oxenter @oxleave @oxtport @pay @prefix @queuemax @reject @rfail @runout @saystring @sex @signature @speechmod @startup @success @tfail @tofail @tport @ufail @use

User ComSys Commands

@clist addcom alias allcom comlist comtitle clearcom delcom

Administrative ComSys Commands

@cboot @ccharge @cchown @ccreate @cdestroy @cemit @clist @coflags @cpflags @cset @cwho