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Guest characters are anonymous / generic logins that allow users to connect to a game without having to create a character. This can be useful on games where character registration is required, and it limits the build-up of player objects that are used only once or twice. Additionally, both built-in commands and softcode can be modified to permit/restrict the access of guest characters, allowing for fine-tuned control of the actions and the experience of these visitors.

Configuring Guests

By default, guest characters are not enabled. There are several steps to configuring guests which require in game actions and editing the configuration file. The primary on/off switch for guests is the config parameter guest_char_num.

1. Create a protoguest object. This is often a player, but does not need to be. If it is a player, do not name it 'Guest'. Make a note of its dbref.

2. Edit your netmux.conf (or whatever your .conf is - see GAMENAME) and add/modify the entry for the guest_char_num. For example, if your protoguest is object #32, you want the following line:

 guest_char_num  32

3. Save the file and @restart. You should now have working guests.

There are a number of other steps you should consider when configuring guests. For instance, by default, connecting guest characters will join the specified channel for guests, with the specified alias. By default, the channel name is 'Guests' and the alias is 'g'. For this to work, you will need to @ccreate the Guests channel and configure it as needed. If you would like to have guests join a different channel, check the wizhelp topics for guests_channel and guests_channel_prefix (2.6 and higher for the latter?).

You can also specify settings for the name of guest characters (Guest1, Guest2, etc by default), the number of guests that can be on at one time (10 by default). check wizhelp for *guest* to see a list of config parameters that control guest configuration.

Additionally, there is customization that can be done by modifying the Protoguest object, as all guest characters will use this object as a template.